June 17, 1998
This organization shall be known as the Oregon IEEE Consultants’ Network (“Network”)
The purposes and goals of the Network are to further the professional and technical well being of its membership and to promote high standards of professional practice.
The Network shall encourage and promote the use of independent technical and engineering consultants by industry and business.
- The Network shall encourage and provide the means for members to network with one another and to exchange mutually beneficial technical, business and other related information.
- The Network shall encourage continuing educational activities by its members.
To achieve the goals listed in Article I IA the Network shall engage in the activities listed below and such others as may seem appropriate for their achievement.
- The Network shall set appropriate Standards for Admission to membership.
- The Network shall engage in publicity and advertising to enhance the public perception of engineering and the promotion of the practice of consulting.
- The Network shall hold meetings of a tutorial character for the presentation of subject matter of significant technical or business interest.
- The Network shall promote strict adherence to a code of professional ethics.
- The Network shall engage in joint, mutually advantageous projects with other professional, technical, business and community organizations.
Memberships shall be in the names of individuals, and not in the names of or as the representatives groups, companies or other organizations. This does not preclude members of groups, companies or organizations from being members of the Network. There shall be one grade of membership. Members shall possess the credentials listed below. The Officers may grant membership Honoris Causa to appropriate individuals.
Applications for membership shall be completed and signed by the applicant on a form provided by the Network and presented to the Officers. Formal application shall be regarded as an expression of the applicant’s support of the objectives and purposes of the Network and shall constitute the applicant’s agreement to abide by the IEEE code of ethics and the Network’s constitution and bylaws.
- Membership requires either a minimum of five (5) years of work experience relevant to the field of consulting being practiced or a Professional Engineer (P.E.) license. A Member must have been a full time consultant for at least one year. All Network Members must also be members of the IEEE at a minimum of Member grade. Network Members shall have full voting privileges and may be elected as Officers.
- Members must pay an annual fee to offset the costs of the Network.
The Network shall have headquarters located in Oregon. Meetings shall typically be held in the greater Portland area at a meeting place selected by the Chairman.
1. The Officers shall be a Chairperson, a Treasurer, a Secretary, and a Program Director.
2. Officers shall be elected for a term of one year. Officers shall hold office for the terms for which they were elected or until their successors are elected. Any vacancy shall be filled for the remainder of the term by the other Officers until a replacement is elected. Any vacancy shall be open for nominations immediately.
Absence by any Officer from four regularly scheduled meetings of the Network during the one year term shall act as and shall constitute a resignation from his/her office.
1. Nominations of Officers shall be made by the Members, at the regular Meetings or by email to the Secretary.
2. Nominations must be seconded by another member Proxies shall be acceptable.
3. No later than ten (10) days prior to the Meeting, the Secretary shall email to each Member the ticket of nominees for offices which are open or becoming open, the time and place of the Meeting, and a ballot
4. The election to all offices may be by secret (at the option of the members) ballot at the Meeting. Ballots may be returned by email, in person, or otherwise, but all ballots sent by email must be received by the Officers no later than 24 hours before the time of the Meeting. The Chairperson shall appoint at least two Tellers who shall count the ballots. A vote cast for a person not nominated in accordance with the previous provisions of this Article shall be void.
5. The nominee for any office who receives the most votes shall be declared elected. In the event of a tie, a vote will be re cast at the Meeting and the nominee who receives the majority of these votes shall be declared elected.
6. Officers elected at the Meeting shall assume office immediately.
1. Amendments to this constitution may be proposed and seconded at any meeting and submitted to a vote. If approved by a majority of the Members present, the amendment will be voted on at the next Meeting.
2. No later than ten (10) days prior to the next meeting, the Secretary shall email to each Member notification of the proposed amendment, and the time and place of the next meeting.
3. Members may vote on the proposal at the next meeting or in advance of the meeting by email. If approved by a two thirds majority of those voting, the amendment shall be enacted. There will be no minimum number of votes to carry an amendment.
1. Bylaws shall be adopted that will contain additional working rules (annual fees, special dues, places and times of meetings, code of ethics, etc.) for the Network.
2. Additional Bylaws and amendments will be proposed at the regular meetings. At that time, the vote shall be canvassed. New or amended Bylaws shall be adopted by simple majority of those voting.
1. Members must pay an annual fee to offset the costs of the Network, and this entitles them to be listed in the Network’s Directory of Consultants. The fee will be adjusted annually by the Treasurer, down or up, as necessary to pay the Network’s costs without excess. Any surplus will be carried over into the next year.
2. The Treasurer shall maintain a checking account for the Network, accepting membership fees and producing reimbursements. Anyone wishing reimbursement for costs associated with the network must simply submit a receipt for the cost and/or any other documentation required by the Treasurer.
3. The Membership fee is currently $50.
4. The Treasurer will submit to the IEEE Oregon Section a yearly accounting of the Network’s financial activities.
5. The Secretary will be responsible for e mailing notices of all meetings to all those who have expressed interest, and to maintain a monthly meeting notice in the BEEEP. The Secretary will maintain meeting notes for submission to the IEEE Oregon Section if requested, update the Constitution and Bylaws, and maintain the list of Network Officers.